Well, the mix is complete. I was up super fucking late last night freaking out over these samples, because for some reason Audacity plays them super fast and it was messing up my whole game. I was about to just save it and just post it without any clips, but as I was shutting the computer off I tried something new and lo and behold it worked. So I present to you in it's stunningly bland entirety, Mix #2. It should be pointed out that nearly all of these songs were pulled from other blogs and various sources around the net, most of them listed to the left of this text. These places have their shit together and I strongly recommend you check the sites out. So yeah, this is a mix in the sense that it's a mix of songs, but not in that it should just be called "stuff I like from the funputer superhighway".
I had a whole stack of samples ready to go, but in the end I decided to just use clips from "The Twilight Zone". I've been watching a good deal of the classic episodes lately, and they always make for some pretty sweet audio clips. My only regret is that I didn't post and Rod Serling monologues n there, but that can make the next one (along with the most hilarious Boris Karloff monologue EVER).
In other news, Hugo Chavez is hilarious, and there's some crazy shit goin' on outside of Pittsburgh.
Not much else to say today, I'm exhausted from staying up too late last night and I haven'thad much chance to catch up on most of the stuff I usually do. My sister and nephew just got into town early this morning, and I can't wait to spend the weekend with them, since it's been a little over a year since I last got the chance to see them. I wish it were under different calling, but I take what I can get, and remain positive through whatever lies ahead.
Repetitive Hand Jive Disorder: A New Threat
Shrinking Moon For You - Wooden Shjips
Bleary Eyed - Annuals
Animal Human - Clinic
Roll Call (demo) - Seeds of Concrete
Returning to the Fold - The Thermals
Chariot - Page France
Wet Sand - White Denim
Sway (original mix) - The Rolling Stones
Britney's Silver Can - James Kochalka Superstar
Business Cats - Mika Miko
(It's a) Departure - The Long Winters
The Trapeze Swinger - Iron & Wine
Be Me, Leave - Meaty Ogre
Kick Out the Chairs (WhoMadeWho remix) - Munk & James Murphy
Cunts Are Still Running the World - Jarvis Cocker
there's a whole bunch of other songs I wanted to put on here, notably the new Menomena song, a great Chavez track, and a lot more hip hop, but I just couldn't get it to blend in and I wanted to get it out by the end of this week. So yeah. In any case, if the link expires or if you really really want one of these songs by itself let me know, or go buy the shit. Either way, let me know.
seriously. I don't mind it uploading it again, but I need to know when it's out.
You see that big tall alien in the end of that clip? Is it? No...it couldn't be! No fucking was he was. Oh my god it is! The legend, "Jaws" himself... RICHARD MOTHERFUCKING KIEL!!!
and finally, The Office starts it's third season tonight. Fucking watch it, because Steve Carrell is funnier than you. Unless you're the ghost of Richard Pryor browsing this site. In which case I'm honored, and more than a little freaked out.
oh, and manhole covers are getting blown off in Philly.
2 things
I'm really excited about the office. It picks up on the morning after casino night. EXCITING.
Why? is it that, that kiel guy (whom I've never heard of in my entIre life) is so fucking scary? I screamed.
he's not scary, he's super awesome! and supposedly a freakishly nice guy. He's probably more scaed of us than we are of him.
and the Office last night was great. It somehow invaded my dreams.
wait, is the Scientist related to Richard motherfucking Kiel?
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