Today might just be the most gorgeous day of the year. Seriously, I'm sorta pissed I didn't just call out and sleep in the park all day like a hobo. You knew, those hobos might be on to something there. I just loaded something like 4 GB of all new music on my ipod, so I'm pretty pumped about that, but god knows it's gonna take me months to get through it all. Seriously, it's startling.
On a funny little side note, I was told that my one grandmother says about me that "he thinks he's too cute for his own good" and that I'm gonna have to grow out of that. Heh. She also thinks I'm too old to be wearing t-shirts all the time. Which I totally am, but will probably keep doing for another few years just to spite her. I just thought that was pretty funny. Actually, that picture of Michelle Malkin is far more hilarious, but that's neither here not there. I just keep clicking on the link and giggling to myself.
I wanna say something about this NIE report that the 16 spy agencies put together that basically says "yup, you're making more terrorists". Actually, I more wanna say something about how Bush is reacting to it. Considering it's the spy agencies that he oversees and guides, should we be really fucking terrified about what we haven't seen out of the report yet? Probably. So how can he call this "naive"? Does that mean that our intelligence and spy agencies are naive? or that we're naive to believe them? I think it's pretty naive to keep blindly listening to what this administration is saying, considering they're constantly caught lying to us and manipulating our most sacred trusts and feelings into making us support their retarded courses of action. I don't think we can leave Iraq yet, we're stuck there now, but to keep insisting that we're liberators when the place is more violent now than it was before we got there, to say that this isn't about oil when it's the one thing we've managed to keep safe through this, it's completely asinine. We've now lost more US soldiers than we did citizens in the 9/11 attacks. and at what price? we've pissed off the rest of the world a little bit more, and most of the middle east a lot more, we're squandered massive amounts of money so that an extremelty small portion of the country will make untold amounts of capital. It's disgusting to think that anyone still takes this man's words without a grain of salt. and reprihensible that anyone's watching Fox News withough recognizing it for the propaganda factory that it is. Sorry, I'm a little empassioned today.
Anyways, hers's some Duke Spirit songs. I don't even know if that record is out in the US yet, but it should be. They've got a great sound and a cute lead singer with a great voice. Look up their Duke Spirit alphabet, it's adorable. Actually don't becuase it's not on their website anymore. I'm so out of touch.
"Cuts Across the Land" - The Duke Spirit
"Lion Rip" - The Duke Spirit"
"Drinking You In" - The Duke Spirit
Buy Cuts Across the Land here.
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