Have you ever been leaving a store with a bag of whatever (in my case a Baby Ruth bar, which I haven't had in at least 8 years) and on your way out, when you step on the pad or stand in front of the sensor, the automatic door still doesn't recognize that you're there? It just happened to me and I just stood there for a second, wondering if I should just go out the already-open entrange or force my way out the right door. I chose the latter, but it was an off-putting moment.
Also, what's with these product contests that give you a code that you're supposed to look up on the internet? What the balls? Isn't the whole point to be excited when you screw off the cap or unwrap the thing or whatever? That pisses me off in a completely pointless way. Sorry, my gripe of the day.
Tokyo Rose died on Tuesday.
CRAZY LARGE RADIOACTIVE BUGS HAVE LANDED, stay the fuck off the road in Lebanon, PA, zombie protests are awesome. oh, and they found the U.S.S. Macon.
now I'm all linked out.
Here's some songs from the upcoming Beck album, which I like twice as much as anything he's done since Midnight Vultures. It just feels fun and sleazy and not Guero, which is a start in my book. Anyways, here's two songs from it. I'd claim Nigel Godrich, but he was behind those last 2 balls of suck, so I'll just take the credit myself.
"Strange Apparition" - Beck
"No Complaints" - Beck
Pre-order The Information here.
Oh, and Langhorne Slim has a new EP out. I'm too lazy to buy it right now but I bet it's awesome.
1 comment:
Doors not opening? At best buy, all the time. I think they have retarded doors so shop lifters do not win.
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