I woke up this morning freezing my ass off. It was such a nice feeling, enough even to get me to break out the blankets and look forward to passing out tonight. Of course, it's only a matter of time now before it's too cold to get out of bed in the mornings, but cut me some slack on this. I even had to root around in my closet for a sweater. My itchy red one, to be more specific. Strangely, I've got more than one itchy red sweater, but this one is the oldest and the most...red, so it gets the title. Rotting around in my limited closet space for my layers was sich a nice feeling, like seeing old friends. "I forgot about you, hobo sweater! Oh, corderouy jacket, you look great!" I didn't actually say this, but you get the point. Of course, it's now too hot for said sweater, as my post-lunch walk around the block is telling me.
Again, I can't post any music until tonight, but I did just notice that Pakistan just signed a peace accord with pro-taliban fighters in Afghanistan. Which means that they'll be returning money and weapons to them, and effectively offering sanctuary to bin Laden. This is also a country that already has the bomb (not a DECADE away from it like someone else we're trying to invade) and likely spead the nuclear secrets to Libya, North Korea and Iran. and now they're NBFs with China! Oh, they're also filled with al-Quaeda and Taliban supporters. You have to be fucking kidding me. I'll never understand what the hell backwards ass longcut to peace this country is on right now. If you think that we're working towards having a safe country and being not even liked, but tolerated by the rest of the world in the next 20 years I'd recommend pulling your head out of your ass and maybe using that flag on your car as a Burqua, because the shit ain't gonna happen. We're waging wars on top of wars right now, and making friends with all the wrong people in doing it. Fucking Uzbekistan? Jesus, who are we kidding? Are you ready to answer for this shit that's being comitted in your name, and in mine? Am I? Does it matter even if we aren't? In the next few months we're gonna have all sorts of shit made up and thrown our way, trying to convince us that we need a firm resolve in this fake-ass war we've waged. We're going to be lied to and cheated by both parties, and it's just so that their side can win.
Oh, and the next fucking person that makes a comparison of anyone, anything to Hitler about anything deserves to be fucking stoned to death. STOP IT. The more you bandy around these fucking comparisons the more frivolous the common perception of that monster becomes. Stop trying to use him as an example. For anything. Do you remember how Hitler got into power, Dub? By using mass communication to work a nation into fear and national hubris, the same fucking way you did. So stop saying this. Everyone. Santorum, Rummy, Olbermann, MoveOn, all of you*. Knock it the fuck off and grow up some. Hitler is dead, and the only thing you're doing by continuing to bring him up is give him more of a legacy. If you want to make outlandish statements that bring the worst fears into everyone's minds, then you probably shouldn't be given a microphone. When did we lose that choice? OK, I'm finished with my political whine for the day and I'll try to keep it to myself for the rest of the week, but the shit is getting out of control.
*I know this happened some months ago, but it seems like nobody learned a damned thing. It seems like nobody ever learns a damned thing.
"Santayana's aphorism must be reversed: too often it is those who can remember the past who are condemned to repeat it." - Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.
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