Friday, October 13, 2006


Today is Friday the 13th. In October. Which means that exactly 17 years ago, one of my good friends’ dogs almost bit my nose off. Oooooooo nostalgia. No, it’s just funny, though, because I haven’t thought of that night for years and years, and then when I woke up this morning, the thin scar on my nose was pulsing this weird violet color. Also kidding.

I’m feeling a lot better this morning, despite barely getting any sleep last night. I was up worried about something for most of the night, and I also watched pretty much the third season of Arrested Development in its entirety. And I still laughed my ass off, which says something. In any case, one of the things I’m so pumped about for tonight is that despite my not going out, despite my nobody being around all weekend, I’m gonna be locked in all weekend with adequate booze and cigarettes and like 150 scary movies being run ad nauseum all weekend. Which is totally awesome. I’ve been given purpose.

I'll post some music later, I just can't find any of my spooky music to set the appropriate mood. So for now, here's a track from the Demetri Martin album, which has been cracking me up all day.

"Personal Information Waltz" - Demetri Martin

Buy These Are Jokes here.

Oh, and it looks like they're gonna start podcasting This American Life for free. Which is super awesome.
Also, feel like throwing up? Click here.


David Goodman said...

Nelson is around - you are welcome to come hole up with cigarettes and booze at our place...

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you like my photo! :)