oooh, It's muthafuckin Lost night, and I'm sure I'm not alone in being really excited to pick up where season three left off. On top of that, there's a new South Park on tonight and this "Freak Show" thing, which to be honest doesn't look very funny, but considering the talent involved in writing and voicing it, I have to at least maintain that I'm excited to see it. I know what you're thinking, "hey TV guy, sweat much?"
yeah, I like the teevee. and I'm not nearly as bad as I sound, I can assure you. I just really like a small number of shows that I happen to watch on three nights of the week, which really isn't so bad when you think about it. Besides, the Kung Po Shrimp I'm eating right now should probably be able to sustain me for another 17 hours anyway. Which is nice.
In any case, I was just in the store buying some stuff and I helped a lady find some batteries. It was just because I happened to be standing in front of what she was looking for, and I certainly wasn't expecting to be rewarded for doing it, but nonetheless it was nice when she offered me the place in line ahead of her, since all I had was a candy bar and some toothpaste. So i was thinking about how sweet that was for a minute until the guy in front of me spent 15 minutes trying to pay with his credit card. He was obviously hitting the wrong keys at the wrong time and then later denying it, and people in line started yelling out what exactly he should be doing. This only solidified his resolve and he sat working harded to make sure this went through. After he finally got it right, he realized he didn't know his PIN number and had to call his bank to get it. Which they wouldn't do over the phone. Did I mention this was for $2 worth of dinner cookies? I don't know, it might be because I've almost exclusively used a debit card for all things related to banking since 1995, but that shit drives me crazy. Of course, so does people writing a check anywhere but the supermarket, so I gues there's no pleasing me.
By now, of course, I'm sure everyone's read up on the latest breaks in the Foley case (were you expecting me to say "Foleygate"? Tough shit I've called a moratorium on that), but I'm still not done freaking out about this. Now he's claiming he was molested by a priest, which I'm just gonna go ahead and say is a lie. So now he's got alcohol and molesting priests to blame for his actions, I'm just waiting for him to work gay marriage and activist judges into his excuse to clear him completely of wrongdoing. And to make things better, now a good portion of the GOP is blaming the Dems for this. Rush Limbaugh thinks that the kid was paid or coerced into saying he was molested. Hastert claims it was the liberal boogeymen (seriously!) and Boehner's gone back on previous statements to support him. and in my personal favorite, Katherine Harris "going to be very interested to find out who in the media or on the other side of the aisle knew about this and kept it from the public interest because our children were at stake." Hey Kathy, I'll give you a hint: "THEY'RE THE ONES WHO WERE ALREADY CAUGHT TRYING TO COVER IT UP, you vile, kitten-strangling bitch.
Now I've made it pretty clear that I by no means am a huge supporter of the Democratic Party, but this is just fucking pathetic on the part of the right. How many times can they just blindly point at someone else before we call them on their shit? How many more times are we going to catch them in the middle of a lie and then believe them the next time they get suspected of something? This poor kid, who stood up and admitted what had happened, despite the alienation and shit he's bound to receive, is now getting death threats because the clowns that make up the neocon constituency are convinced that Harry Reid threatened the kid into making the story up. What the fuck is your problem? Did the Democrats also bribe the other dozen or so former pages that have come forward, or the staffer that was warning pages as early as 1995 to watch out for Foley's advances? It's disgusting, how quickly this whole thing was overtaken by politics and who could spin it to the other party's disadvantage the fastest. Yes, I'm sure that some on the left were aware of this, but plain, simple logic dictates that more people in Foley's own party would know about it, and documentation has already proved that GOP brass has already tried to cover it up. Is anyone believing this? Is anyone out there still buying this tripe? Congratulations, you've got the brain power of a head of lettuce. a retarded head of lettuce. These people should all be homeless and our government should be rebuilt from the ground up. ugh, fucking A I can't even think straight.
Meanwhile, even though we can't set a withdrawal date or garuntee things are going better or even keep our tropps from dying in record numbers, don't worry folks, we've already started saving up money for our victory party. Umm, $20 million? Have you considered just pissing the money away on healthcare or veterans or something?
So yeah, I'll be back to post some music later, but in the meantime, check out the 25 biggest stories you probably will never read about in 2007.
Tommy Lee has nasty taste in birthday-themed desserts
here's a kickass flickr account of a trip to see some now-useless wartime technology rotting in a desert.
in other news, global warming is still a myth.
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