Friday, October 20, 2006


So I'm busy as all hell right now, tring to get my stuff for the week done so I can get outta here and get my weekend started. I've been going batshit all week about this all-time greatest artists list that XPN has been playing which is tantamount to slow torture. I mean, seriously, just this morning they ranked Jethro Tull ahead of Traffic, Crosby Stills and Nash, The Replacements, JAMES BROWN, CHUCK BERRY, OTIS FUCKING REDDING! At work we're running a poll and the list or predictions that I handed in this morning is already shot to shit with both the Ramones and the Velvet Underground already out. Fortunately I put the Dave Matthews Band on the list because I know those idiots will put him in fifth place or some crazy thing. Seriously, every new artist they announce just gets me more angry.
Can't write much today because I got early plans tonight and I need to get outta here in time to make them. I have what should be a pretty action packed weekend ahead of me, so hopefully there'll be somce good pictured popping up here, but I guess we'll see.
No theme or anything with today's music, just a few songs I've been listening to all day. Kind of a bullshit post, I know, especially after a day off, but I was up too late watching VH1 Classic last night (seriously). I don't know what it is about that network that I find so fascinating, but it's incredible. Oh, and last night the shower head in the place broke, so I went searching for the old shower head that I was too lazy to set up when I moved in a year ago. I didn't find it (I am still very upset about this, because I know I've seen it), but I did come across my high school yearbooks, 3 lawn chairs, 2 missing frisbees, the T-shirt that Carrie got for me in Austin 2 years ago, my shiatsu manual, my J.R.R. Tolkien Christmas book, 4 lamps, and list of my favorite songs from 2003. so yeah, I've got all sorts of fun stuff to do. Have a great weekend everyone.

Hybrid Moments - The Misfits
Buy Legacy of Briutality here.

Lung Collapsing Lyrics - Percee P featuring Pharaoh Monche

"Farewell to All MY Friends" - Oh No! Oh My! (m4a)
buy Oh No! Oh My! here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I checked out that list when you blogged about it recently. What the crap is up with that shit? Are they throwing darts at a list of artists? Its so arbitrary, and there is no explanation for why they picked what they did. It's totally stupid.