Holy shit it's 3 PM and I'm just now trying to wolf down my lunch before getting back to this soul-sucking task of trying to figure out what the hell these doctor's are talking about. One way to tell if Cotton was up waaay too late the night before: his lunch consists of pineapple chunks and piping hot coffee. I'm game with any fruit, I'm pretty much impartial and love 'em all. But pineapple is the only one I'll buy in prepared chunks. You know why? Because buying a whole pineapple and skinning it and cutting it into rings/chunks takes for fucking ever. and it's so sticky. It's sooo not worth it to me. Listen, I'm a man who appreciates making his own food (and food for others, as some people are gradually learning), but I'd rather pour a jar of rubber cement into my nose than go through that business. Speaking of stuffed noses, my allergies are going batshit lately. How batshit, you ask? I woke myself up with my own snoring last night. It was horrendous, and I'm convinced I need to get thgose breathe right strips at least until this congestion dies down.
I won't be able to post any songs right now, because I really don't have time. But I'll make you a promise right hear and now that I will post some tonight before I go to sleep. "Big whoop", you might be saying, "I'm bored now. Later I'll be out having fun with my friends and enjoying my holiday weekend". Well first of all, I don't have a holiday weekend and I hate you. Second of all, funzo, is that I'm not gonna be out tonight and and out of spite* I'll put up something extra special**. So take that, suckah!

oh and check out the new lists at Dusted.
* probably not***.
** this might be a lie***.
*** Sorry for all the lying*.
1 comment:
i've woken myself up three times in the past month due to allergy induced snoring. it was funny at first...
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