I was up too late reading and watching reading an terrifying old short story I'd forgotten about years ago until I found it lying in my parents' basement. No zombie dreams, though. I couldn't sleep because my upstairs neighbor falls asleep every night listening to talk radio or some crazy thing and every couple of weeks it just drives me crazy enough to keep me up all night. and last night turned into one of those nights. Oh well.
This morning, as I was on my way in to work, I had to cross a line of abortion protesters. Isn't that fun? No, I haven't gotten a job at Planned Parenthood, I don't even work near one. But apparently any high-volume intersection is enough for a protest. I have a pretty serious history with abortion protestors, and it's not because I so fervently agree or disagree with their point (Personally I think it's none of their fucking business, just the people involved), but because they're ALWAYS the most obnoxious fucking protesters imagineable. I heart free speech and all that but when you're rolling in to work after 3 and a half hours of sleep, before you've had a sip of coffee, and someone's waving a placenta in your face, you tend to get a little touchy about it. I also don't like anyone's religion pushed on me. These people pull their kids out of school to sit on a corner and tell people they're sinners. My exchange went pretty much like this:
Protester: "Will you sign a petition to..."
Me (smiling, because there's no reason to be an asshole about this): "Piss off, please"
Protester: "But they're murdering God's children!"
Me: "Is this really the biggest problem you have right now? Is this the biggest flaw you see in this country? Abortion is the least of my concerns"
Me: are you performing the abortions? Are you the one going to hell for this?
Protester: "No, of course I'm..."
Me: "Then let them go to hell with me and the gay people and the non-baptized people of the world and kindly shut the fuck up".
Protester: "It's murder!"
Me: "I don't think it is. and I've got much bigger things to worry about than you creepy religious nuts."
at this point I started walking away as she was still yelling at me. I made the "quack quack quack" motion with my hand over my shoulder.
This was one of the least aggressive exchanges I've had with this sort of thing. Last year they were putting signs up on city property in Media and things got really heated. This time, I barely cursed and there were no stinkbombs. So yeah, I've had a fun day so far. I'm kicking around the idea of making a halloween mix , but since I'm not doing a damned thing for it it seems like a pretty futile idea. Anyways, yeah, I need a nap.
Here's what might be my favorite Tom Waits song of all time. It's on this album and will be on this one.
"Fall of Troy" - Tom Waits
How can you not be instantly charmed by someone who waves a placenta in your face?
you're amazing.
And then sometimes instead of waving petitions they want to blow you up!
(yes, I volunteer outside this clinic).
Hi, Cotton!
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