What a beautifully dreary, shitstorm of a day. It was raining so hard when I woke up that I thought it was hail. It’s the hardest sort of day to get out of bed, because really all you wanna do is lie there and listen to it and dream. Managed to make it up and am sitting in the office now working on my fourth cup of coffee, wondering why I feep like such crap today. Maybe it was the dinner party last night. Yeah, let’s go with that.
Since I don’t have a window view from my desk, I’m stuck working dilligently (well, about as dilligently as usual, anyway) and keeping my ear cocked for the occasional thunder. On my way in from the car I stopped and jumped in a big puddle. I totally got caught by this older couple that were sitting there waiting for the dollar store next to my office to open. They just stared at me, probably thinking that Tom Hanks got his wish again, only this time he was turned into a half-baked adult who was only a few inches taller than before. Oh well, I’m still soaked but it was worth it I guess.
It’s since stopped raining hours ago, but it looks like it’ll be back right around when I decide to leave for the night.
I’m riddled with bug bites from this weekend. I’ve got like a sampler from the insect life of southeastern
but On top of that, I might have poison ivy on my foot. So yeah, I’m loving the outdoors right now, you can be sure. The cookout went well, though, and I have enough food to last me the next eleven months. Which is has a minor case of the suck and can be evidenced by the 4 lbs of sausage that I’m staring at on my desk right now. Seriously I can’t even bring myself to think about eating anymore. Maybe I'll suck the jujubes out of my glove compartment.
So Man Man is a band from Philly that sound more or less like Tom Waits started drinking again, joined the carnival he’s always loved so much, and befan truly enjoying himself. I’m not the biggest fan of their name, but both of their albums are truly magical in their nature. I tend to think of them as rainy day albums, though I couldn’t tell you why. I guess maybe because I don’t really think of sunshine when I’m listening to them. Or because my parents left me at a carnival when I was three to be raised by clowns and tricycle-riding bears. See, I told you I didn’t hate bears. How could I hate my adopted parents? Anyway two of these songs are from the first album, the third is from the most recent one. I had to use YSI for the first one because it’s a giant fucking file (about 7 minutes of the song is just tide and seagulls…but still that other 3 minutes makes it completely worthwhile.
“Werewolf (On the Hood of Yer Heartbreak)” – Man Man (YSI link)
Buy The Man In a Blue Turban With a Face here
Buy Six Demon Bag here
There was something else that I wanted to get into today but I'm too pressed for time right now. Please done't let things bother you, though.
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