So two of my oldest friends in the world are getting married tomorrow, and it’s something I’ve been anticipating for about 14 years or so. It’s going to be interesting, seeing people that I haven’t seen in decades and having drinks and dancing with them. This is truly a special one because I doubt I’ll ever have the opportunity to attend the wedding of two friends that I met independent of one another and knew separately. It’s gonna be interesting.
Weddings in general crack me up, and I’m thinking this one will be no exception. People you never expected to do so start dancing and, after a few drinks, start getting into it to a frightening degree. That’s truly one of my favorite things to observe on the planet. I was once in a wedding in
On an unrelated note, I started Douglas Coupland’s new book jPod the other night and I’m loving it. He’s my favorite author of all time, and I felt like he was beginning to slip a bit with his last 2 or 3 books. Maybe he was getting better and I just was being a brat and wanted his old writing style back, who knows, but this book incorporates everything I liked about his third through sixth novels (i.e. hyperculture, quick dialogue and ideas I find myself ripping off later without realizing it) with what I enjoyed from his last few books (i.e. the monumentally weird, nice suburban moms in sex chatrooms and growing pot) into this nice little book that I’m reading now. I read 80 pages of it last night accident. Highly recommended summer read.
God, it just took me 10 minutes to sign into this account to post these songs. I must have 30 different passwords that I use for various stuff online, from credit card payments to car insurance to bulletin boards to email addresses. It’s driving me fucking crazy. Moving on…
DJ Brokenwindow gets shit on quite a lot (I remember one review saying something along the lines of “he does what Z-Trip does, only much, much shittier”, which is a ridiculous statement), but in my opinion he’s good at what he does. He’s essentially a mash-up artist (though he’s got like 5 other projects, and I’m sure that those aren’t as limited in scope), and he holds no illusions about what he does. He even tells you EXACTLY how to make the songs using the original records in his liner notes. So whatever, he makes me dance, so he’s gotta be doing something right. I don’t know much else about the guy (or gal, I guess), I’ve been told he’s from
“Hair, Nails, Percolator” – DJ Brokenwindow
Buy both Parallel Universe CDs here
I’d post another bonus track or rant a little longer today, because I’ve had enough coffee to run a few sprints around the office, but I need to go pick up a tux. I bought a tux 3 years ago, and I remember thinking “it’s gonna be so nice to not have to rent these shits anymore”. Since then, I’ve work it 3 times and rented 4 tuxes. Fuck. Have a great weekend, everyone. I’m trying to figure out how to post pictures from my phone on here right now, so get ready for some hilarity.
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