Friday, June 09, 2006

Is this new file thingy working for everyone?

I can't tell, but it seems to be going smoothly. Someone let me know if they can't get something downloaded.

incidentally, this page has been viewed over 300 times now. Probably 250 of them are me trying to edit posts and get through to the dashboard to make new ones. Either way, huzzah.


Anonymous said...

For the most part I believe it does work, except for the first song posted by Dj Brokenwindow??

Unknown said...

okay, I forgot a letter in the URL. That shit should be prime now.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 300. I love visitng your blog. Where else would I get to see "about as over the top as Freddie Mercury doing blow off of a radioactive banshee in a glitter and siren factory" used in a sentence.