I woke up this morning to some story about how this day is feared by many to be the end of the world and mark of the beast and blah blah blah. If you think that this is the case you're a fucking idiot. I've read umpteen news stories and seen a few specials on all things macabre (including the lady who induced labor because she didn't want her neighbors to know her baby was born on 6/6/06 - what the fuck?) and while I'm not sick of it, I think the reasons for making today Halloween II are ridiculous and unfounded. It's like burning pop records because you think some horny middle-aged Jewish men are going to convert your child into sacrificing dogs or some such crap. By the same token, hey metalheads, you lost your right to pretend that satanism is scary around the same time as Motley Crue. sorry, but most Satanists look a lot more like hippie parents than Anton LaVey. Give it a fucking rest.
Death is such a strange topic in this country and is avoided (and adversely celebrated) so much more here than in other places, where it's just generally accepted as what happens. It would be so there could be a holiday about death that wasn't littered with hockey masks and snakes and shit that could take place around here (see, Día de Muertos). Oh well. The point is, today isn't cataclysm, today is a fucking tuesday. Give it up. Go look up some demons or something.
I was flipping through some old books of CDs (don't ever put you music in CD books. it's just gonna piss you off when you can't remember which book something's in later) and came across this gem that I pretty much had forgotten I'd owned.
Kleenex Girl Wonder is made up of one Graham Smith. I coulda sworn he was forced to change the name because of copyright infringement, but his website is still the same so who knows. I think there's some free downloads on his site. He's got a knack for funny song titles (though he's got a ways to go to catch up with Don Cab) and an obsession with rap that is downright annoying, as evidenced by the second song here. Seriously. It's so cucking annoying. Instead of just ending the song he just shows up and starts pseudorapping. If at all possible, cut the last 1:10 of this song or program your mp3 player to do it or something. You'll thank me later. It's a damned shame, too, because it's such a nice little song.
"No Melody" - Kleenex Girl Wonder (YSI link)
"The Intentional Fallacy" - Kleenex Girl Wonder (YSI link)
Buy After Mathematics here
oh, what the hell, here's a bunch of yinzers screaming along with Magnolia Electric Co. as they play "Runnin With the Devil" (YSI link). Yes, it sounds like that when you sing along, too. No matter how drunk you are. I love you guys, but you're crazy.
on a much sadder note, Billy Preston just died. Show some damned respect.
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