I woke up this morning in a great mood, and actually slept soundly for the first time in over a week. Which is probably a good thing because I think I’m gonna need whatever I can get in the next few days. I can’t put into words how excited I am to have 4 days in a row off. It’s pathetic, I was thinking about the last time I went 4 days in a row without working and it was
So I figured a nice little theme for the day could be road trips. Road trips can be absolutely horrendous or insanely fun; a large factor in determining which can be the soundtrack. It’s easy to get overambitious on a road trip and throw every song you like to sing and rock out with on a CD and roll, but it’s just not that easy. You get tired of that after awhile, especially at about the halfway point. You can’t throw on a bunch of slow songs because your ass’ll fall asleep and hit an RV with a Canadian family inside of it making smores and singing Cat Stevens songs. I always aim for something that will keep me interested enough to pay attention, but also something not so over the top that I don’t lose focus on the task at hand –namely, speeding- sprinkled with rock-jams to revive me. It should be sait that this is going to be mostly for night driving. Oh, there’s a difference in the mixes there, too. Night road trips are generally head-nodders. Day road trip mixes mostly focus on the jamz. Anyway that’s all for another day.
I’ve made 5 mixes for the drive, which should do us well enough for one way and the ipod for the way back. Plus, I’ll probably buy some stuff out there. Being that it’s
The first song is from one of the CDs that I was so sure I’d lost, which pissed me off incredible because it’s of a really limited pressing and the only copies I had were on cassette. This is from a live show that they put on in
Dead End – Peanut Butter Wolf (YSI link)
I couldn't find this anywhere (so I'll probably post more of it later), but buy his first album here
In 2000, DJ Shadow released a full disc of recordings of high school funk and jazz bands. The result was Schoolhouse Funk and shocked everyone who thought they knew the limitations of high school bands. This song has an unusually long drum solo in it (something I normally abhor, but bear with me) but it totally comes back in full force and is forever in my mind associated with Scouring the streets between Craig and Bigelow for parking. Not the best association, but still it’s a great tune.
The Newborn Hippopotamus/Jazz Rock Machine – Schoolhouse Funk (YSI link)
Buy Schoolhouse Funk here
RJD2 is… good for long drives. And awesome. And he lives in Philly, so he’s super cool. This is a b-side from the “Horror” single.
Buy The Horror here
and here's a little Fourth of July treat for ya. buy it here. The pic above is what happens when you image google "afternoon delight" and I think it's awesome. Go to this guy's website for more like it.
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