I have no ideas what's going on with this shitty post.
Apparently, they killed al-Zarqawi this morning. The guy was a disgrace to humanity, with this I have no dispute. But are we really supposed to believe that his death is going to have some major impact on the insurgency? Because the hardline insurgents don’t believe in revenge, right? I’m sure they’ll all wake up from their al-Zarqawi brainwashing, scratch their heads and go home? Now they have a martyr. So yeah, this isn’t gonna end, regardless of what the slight drop in oil prices might suggest. I think the most profound statement was that of Michael Berg, who all the news people approached for some sort of Git-R-Dun© resolute statement only to hear him say
"I think the news of the loss of any human being is a tragedy. I think al-Zarqawi's death is a double tragedy," he said. "His death will incite a new wave of revenge. George Bush and al-Zarqawi are two men who believe in revenge."
Good for him.
So that new shot Dog Bites Man was on last night, which features not only Matt Walsh from Upright Citizen’s Brigade (and Daily Show) fame, but also the hilarity that is Zach Galifianakis. The show was pretty damned funny (it also featured the dishwasher from Wet Hot American Summer, which I just figured out as I was typing this). Anyways, it’s pretty much another version of Reno 911!, which I’m not complaining about. Afterwards, the Daily Show came on and since I hadn’t seen it in awhile I decided to watch it and decided that the audience on that show are a stack of braying asses. Cheering blindly for any side, even the one you believe in, is asinine. Sides are done. You are an army of one, an empire of self, and frankly I think we’re all getting a bit too old to be handed our views be TV shows and web sites, above rant included. Apologies to any fictional 11 year olds that are reading this, and umm…smokers are jokers. I’ve always wanted to say that to children with a straight face. And since I never could I might as well type it.
Yesterday I described Bobby Conn as "about as over the top as Freddie Mercury doing blow off of a radioactive banshee in a glitter and siren factory". and I pretty much stand by that. He's got some great songs though, and I've heard from many accounts that his live show is damned near unstoppable when he’s on. It sounds about right. These songs are filthy and riddled with grandeur and you really have to be in the right mood to enjoy them. That said, I’m in the right mood.
“Whores” – Bobby Conn
“You’ve Come a Long Way” – Bobby Conn (YSI link)
Buy The Golden Age here
Slowing it down a bunch, I don't know enough about Luke Temple other than he's a singer/songwriter type and KEXP sent me this song a few months ago. It's nice and quiet and melancholy. I Can't find the album that this is on, so I've linked to his most recent, which I've read is just as satisfying as this tune. Enjoy.
“So Long So Long” – Luke Temple
Buy Hold a Match For a Gasoline World here
Democracy Now did a piece on Father Daniel Berrigan’s birthday today. He’s probably one of the most admirable men I could ever think of, and should be celebrated as a national hero.
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