"Man, I fuckin' hate musicals"
I had to think about this statement for a second. I'm not a huge proponent of them, but there's plenty that have their qualities. I said as much.
"Really all of them? I'm not a huge proponent of them, but there's plenty that have their qualities"
"like what, Cats?"
"I've never seen Cats. But I enjoyed Sweeney Todd. Jesus Christ Superstar rocked me sufficiently".
"Yeah, Jesus Christ Superstar was pretty good. It's just that I hate all that sing-dancing they do. It's just so damned clumsy".
"What about Tommy? That has to be pretty good, right? and I'm sure they're making one of Quadrophenia if they haven't already".
"yeah, but I'd rather watch the crappy, drugged out disco movie than see some jerks on a stage".
"Fair enough. Ann-Margeret is great in that". I'm a sucker for Ann-Margeret. Always have been.
"Okay, what about Les Miserables? My dad still gets choked up listening to it"
"it's okay, I guess. They're still just sing-dancing, though".
"So you don't like any musicals at all?"
"I'd rather see a play".
"I'd rather read a play than see it. What about The Music Man? that's a great story!" It's true! The Music Man is underrated outside of musical theater.
"I hate those hats, though."
"what hats?"
"you know, those hats they wear. The same kind they wore in old timey elections"
"yeah, what are those hats called" I still have no idea.
"I dunno. Election hats?"
"If you don't like The Music Man, you shouldn't follow showbusiness. It's a classic story! It's got everything!"
"What about Spamalot?" I hum a little of the "Knights of the Round Table" song. We both simultaneously air drum that little solo that the guy does off the Knight's helmets.
"We should go see that! Do you wanna go see Spamalot?"
"hell no!"
"But you just said you like musicals! Why not?"
"Because they're terrible"
"you're hopeless"
I still have no set stance on the musical theater, but I will say that I can appreciate a good story and a good tune. I just can't usually sit through both. Incidentally, this discussion started because I had "You Don't Bring Me Flowers" by Neil Diamond and Barbara Streisand stuck in my head. I think it's from a musical, but I have no idea. It's the only one of her songs I know, and it will now be in my head for weeks.
I consider this track to be musical theater for some reason, though I'm pretty sure Satchmo never put on a little show of murdering people.
"Mack the Knife" - Louis Armstrong
Buy Mack the Knife here.
And an old classis that I've been using to try and drown out the damned Streisand from my head. it's not working. Still, one of my all-time favorites.
Bob Wilson Anchorman - Half Man Half Biscuit
Buy one of their albums here.
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