Good afternoon, fine people. Hope everyone had a nice weekend and managed to stay out of trouble. I'm pretty sure I did, though the shit parade keeps on comin'* with the possiblity that I might have pinkeye. Or that one of my eyes is irritated from the pollution in the Chesapeake. So yeah, isn't that just ducky. Got to catch up on a lot of music over the weekend, something I haven't had much time to do lately. I also figured out how to see how many people downloaded these songs I'm linking to, which made me promptly scratch my head and ask myself "why the hell am I doing this?" No, but it's strange to see that, almost without exception, my favorite songs that I've posted have 0 downloads. boo. Actually, "Boo" has 1. I figured it was probably because most of the stuff I post on here is at least a few years old, but that doesn't seem to be the trend either. Strangely, the most downloaded song (overwhelmingly so) on this site has been "Deformative", which I can only attribute to Lorna's glowing review.
So yeah, I've decided in lieu of this that I'm gonna start posting fewer songs, because that takes the most time and it seems like it's not horribly in demand.
Pela is one of those bands that's been predicted to "make it big" this year (along with Tapes n' Tapes and Birdmonster and Tokyo Police Club). I normally steer clear of bands like this, because invariably you hear them and wonder who the hell thinks that this band is worth the adulation. To be honest, I was unimpressed the first time I listened to these songs, but after hearing them a few times this weekend (and once in the crucial "Hellaware Gully" stretch of the drive to MD) these songs have both really grown on me. They're really not the sort of band that I would normally enjoy, but then neither are a lot of bands that I like, so what can a guy do?
"Tenement Teeth" - Pela
"Present" - Pela
Buy All In Time here.
tonight I promised I'd read the screenplay written by our monkey, which is sure to disappoint. But he spent all weekend writing it and even picked up a crayon sharpener, so I feel like I owe it to him.
*I stared at that for twenty minutes trying to figure out if that was from a song or if I read that somewhere before I remembered that it's from Steven Wright's KBILLY radio DJ from the Reservoir Dogs sountrack.
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