another sweltering day, and i'm too tired to even hope for a thunderstorm tonight to cool things off. I tried listening to the news today for the first time in awhile, but i got as far as hearing that we bombed soccer fields in Baghdad today before I had to shut it off. I know I missed a whole bunch of other stuff that'd break you heart, like this and this, but seriously who needs more? I read a bunch last night about these religious right assholes pushing for war with Iran in order to facilitate the apocalypse. This guy wants to bring on the apocalypse? How fucking backwards is that? You know what that'll bring about, I mean other than Jesus? NUCLEAR WAR. Honestly, are they so keen to show the rest of us the golden chariots that are waiting for them that they're rilling to risk global war? How insane is that? Shit, I'd rather stay on the earth that becomes hell than be one of the shitheels trying to provoke millions of deaths. I don'tunderstand how any person of the cloth can actually be such a warmonger. Why don't people see this? How the hell does someone read the bible for more than 15 minutes and get the idea that war is acceptable? or any religion, for that matter. And don't give me that "eye for an eye", shit. THE BIBLE IS RIFE WITH CONTRADICTORY STATEMENTS. You can use the bible to say anything you want, that's what it's so easy to fight over. I'm pretty sure i could find something in there that could be construed as supporting incest necrophilia if i looked hard enough.
The wrong people are losing eyes, and the wrong ones are making shitloads of money and power here. Lots of it. As usuall, Noam Chomsky knows what he's talking about and as usual, it terrifies me.
oh, and hey Vegas, you're all class. Thanks for being a bunch of assholes.
This week is almost over, and I can only hope the insanity that has accompanied it will die down as well. Im' sorry to all the calls i've missed and people I've been curt with. It's a bunch of long, long stories.
Here's a Man Man set from NPR that's very much worth listening to.
I really miss Joe Strummer.
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