Friday, February 01, 2008

Two people I salute this day

Lincoln Chafee and Montel Williams.

I didn't see this coming either.

Chafee is a former Senator (R-RI) who was the lone Republican to vote against the war, and had a history of going against the GOP a lot of the time when he didn't agree or wanted to exercise common sense (against gay marriages, for stem cell research, etc...). which I respect more than probably 90% of the politicians we've voted in. It's admirable enough to vote for what you believe in, but when you consider how many of our representatives roll over when their national party asks them too, especially the GOP, it's goddamned heroic. In any event, he's got a new book out, and while he's displaying the 20/20 hindsight hat seems to plague former Senators, I'm always interested in what he has to say, especially when he's attacking both sides of the aisle. Good for you, Linc.

Montel Williams... Lets just say I've learned a LOT about him in the past week, and I couldn't admire him more for going on Fox news and taking them to task for spending days to talk about Heath Ledger's death but not about the 28 soldiers that have died in this year alone. Williams is a former Marine and naval officer, for those keeping score. Extra points for totally duping them into thinking he'd be talking about Heath Ledger. He lost his job for it, but he's gained my lifelong respect. Though seriously, dude. Telling high school journalists that you can blow them up...not cool.

1 comment:

ricky said...

Especially if the high school journalists are from Savannah, yo.