So fucking hot. I woke up today to the sound of the local newsradio announcer telling me that today will be the hottest day of the century for this area. Fuck. The worst part is that I’m in an air-conditioned office where it’s freezing cold, so whenever I go outside to get a coffee or run an errand or do my puny little workout it seems like it’s a BILLION degrees instead of the 110 it’s supposed to feel like, or even the 100 it actually is. Well, maybe not a billion, I mean my skin definitely isn’t searing off my body and my heart hasn’t exploded (yet), but damned it I’m not on the lookout. I don’t have much to say right now, partly because I almost just sweated my eyebrows off before eating and partly because I haven’t had much time to think about what I’m writing today.
I’ve been researching pollution in the Chesapeake bay all morning, because I just found out that there’s a hold on swimming in the area where my parents live due to pollution. This is nuts, because a few weeks ago when they declared the Schuylkill unswimmable I just thought “yeah, that’s been a shithole for years”, but it looks now like the Bay is worse off than that, which is fucking gross. Considering all I’ve thought about since waking up was swimming, this made me pissed off and curious. The latter has been far more helpful, as always. It’s fucking terrifying to read this stuff, how much crap is dumped into the bay. This is a huge waterway, and it affects most of the Eastern Seaboard. I probably should’ve have ever thrown that used bottle rocket into the Bay (sorry Lorna). So yeah, I’m trying to stop this all singlehandedly just so that I can go swimming in a few days. Also, I just learned that there’s a shitload of nude beaches there, which frankly really freaks me out.
Anyway, I don’t wanna harp on about that, it’s just what I’ve been doing today. If you wanna read something more interesting, go to my Sean's page here and read Martin Wong’s blog here. Martin wong is one of the guys that publishes Giant Robot, and is one of the only nationally published music reviewers I trust implicitly. I haven't had a chance to go through his blog that much but he's probably got some good stuff on there. Sean is the greatest man alive, and I’ve seen him wriestly a wild boar our of the jaws of a crocodile. Then wrestle the boar into submssion (it had eaten his wallet – don’t ask). I’ll try to put the link up on the side over the the right of this text, but it’ll have to wait until another day. So yeah, go check that shit out.
You might find these songs as irritable as I find this heat. Which is understandable, this sorta weather does things to my taste. I’m pretty sure that NOBODY will like all three of these songs, but there’s a good chance that everybody will like at least one. Which is about the same odds I usually have so I’ll take ‘em.
Deformative – Black Eyes
Buy Black Eyes here
Funky Hi-Life - C.K. Mann
Don't buy Salsa Con Gana here
Storming the Bastille - A Day in Black and White
Buy My Heroes Have Always Killed Cowboys here
Stunning, to hot to poo, dude you are sick, you need to write for the new york post.
i liked the black eyes song. and i love your blog. you're my coolest friend.
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