In a completely expected move, my cell phone has succumbed to the forces of evil (and moisture. Probably more moisture than evil) and refuses to work, which means that I’ve got about a dozen pictures of swimming polar bears that may never see the inside of my flickr account. Hopefully I’ll have fixed it by the weekend so I can get away with just posting a picture or something.
I had a nice enough weekend. Got to sit through the worst storm I can think of in recent history, hang out on the porch with some friends drinking beer and arguing the merits of Springsteen with E Street Band Vs. Springsteen without, and play with my sister’s dog for a day. In all, I really can’t complain about my complete lack of going out.
Good news in that in addition to repairing my ipod, I also got a new one, which I got to load up with my hard drive at home, which I haven’t really accessed for he better part of a year. Which means there’s a whole bunch of stuff I wasn’t even aware I still had. Obviously, most of it isn’t that new, but there’s some great stuff that I forgot completely about, and hopefully so did you. Don’t worry, my HMS Pinafore soundtrack is completely intact. Seriously.
It’s absolutely gorgeous today. I mean it’s freakishly beautiful out, and it makes me just wanna bounce my head off the corner of my desk that I’m inside right now. But I gotta accept the good with the bad and just hope that the weather will be this nice for my three day weekend. Current forecast: scattered showers for Friday and Saturday. Shit. So yeah, I’m gonna go out for a little fresh air after this, but here’s some links to keep you otherwise entertained:
-Philly journalist extraordinaire Will Bunch has some good stuff over at Attytood, including notice of the passing of the late, great Mike Royko
-Someone finally invented a Meth Gun*
Oh, and head to Paper Thin Walls for a some music news.
Ween is a band that I have a lot of love for, and not only because they wrote the most endearing ode to Philly since... (god, I really don't wanna say "South Street" by the Orlons). I'm not gonna go into why I like them and why everyone else should because they're a pretty polarizing band and I could see why someone else wouldn't like them. These songs are from the 1996 tour they played in support of 12 Country Golden Greats with the country music legends whom they recorded the album with. It was a short tour, because come on those guys were like in their late 70s at the time, but the results were astounding and earned Stu Basore an unlikely following amonst hippie stoner kids. These songs are from a show in Toronto that they released officially through their own Chocodog records. It's now out of print, but these tracks should stand as testament to how great everything sounded on this tour. 2 things that crack me up about Ween: a)the band supposedly named themselves after a combination of their 2 favorite words, "Wuss" and "Peen", and b)they constantly introduce their next song they're about to play as "'(song title)" by Ween'". I don't know, I just think that's funny.
"Help Me Scrape the Mucus Off My Brain" - Ween
Buy 12 Country Golden Greats here
*note: the gun does not shoot meth at people.
oh, and for good measure, here's a demo from Hockey Night.
"Rebel Fever (Who We Are)" - Hockey Night
Check out their website & myspace here
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