Holy shit what a miserable day. I was stuck ion traffic until about noon because I had to run back to Cobra-La, dig out a credit card I was finally close to paying off and get a cash advance to put into my bank account so I wouldn't get a mindraping amount of overdraft fees. Then I got into work and discovered that the sesame chicken I'd brought in with me had been left out and probably went south. and now I'm preparing to drive across the state in a fucking nor'easter. Normally, I'd be pretty upset about this, but considering this is one of the two nights a year that I don't wanna be anywhere near a fucking bar (a/k/a amateur night), I should probably be happy I get to catch up on some new music and some time to think. I know it sounds priggish of me to say that, but seriously, I'm too damned old to be spending time in an overcrowded bar filled with college kids that can't handle their liquor, spill shit and start fights. The best bar nights are the ones where you have a group of friends, some good conversation, and some quality music. Not where you're shouting over def leppard or some shit while some frat boy pukes in the stall next to you. Fuck that. Save your money.
Before I dump off some music and run out of here, though, I wanted to mention the dream I had last night. I'm not sure if it was because of the late run to the bar last night or because I'm still reading about that UCLA student that got the shit tasered out of him, but I had a dream that I woke up and was getting yelled at, but I didn't know what since I was comfortable and in bed. It turned out I had been woken up or something and walked out on my front porch and thrown an apple (there's about 20 of them rotting in my kitchen) at the car that woke me. Well, there were flashing lights and I thought it was a cop, so I ran off into the woods or something. It turned out it was a taxi, but I kept running because in my dreams I'm stupid. Anyways, I guess I kept running until my heart was about to burst and eventually came across a cop car, who figured I was running from something for a reason, so they tasered me. That was about all my fat little heart could take and I had a heart attack right there. So then they used the tasers to shock me back to life.....
Now, even in my dream I was thinking "they why the hell am I sitting in bed and not at a hospital. and how do i not remember this? I wasn't even drunk when I went to bed". But I felt guilty nonetheless. and that's when I woke up. It was 6AM and ther was a squirrel perched on a tree right outside the window, staring at me. I think the woodland creatures of my yeard have the power to control my dreams. yeah, scary.
Anyways, I hope you all yeah, the whole lot of you) have a good holiday. Enjoy the food and friends and family. I'll be reading and avoiding conversation all weekend. But please, don't forget the whole point of this holiday. Be grateful for what you have. Be grateful for what surrounds you and who you love and who loves you. Be grateful for your pets and pulse and all the little things in life. It's easy to get pissed off, and it's easy to take the things that make you happy for granted. But not tomorrow. In a way, that's why it's the most important holiday. It's non-denominational, and simply says "shut up for a second and appreciate what you have". and don't forget to do just that. for all the whining I do here (especially these past few days), it is still far outweighed by the things I'm thankful to have in my life every single day. Not the least of all being the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving special. yeah, laugh now, assholes. or should I say blockheads.

"Ma Jolie" - Bear Vs. Shark
"Goodnight, Thanks You" - Mek Obaam
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