So election day is upon us, and frankly I’m too annoyed right now to even think of how late I’m going to be up watching returns. People are already claiming voter suppression and faulty machines all over the country, especially in PA and
“As a [insert position here], I vow to clean up the thousands of fucking campaign signs my jackass supporters are plastering all over your town”
Laugh now, but in 2 days when your yard has become a depository for the losing candidate’s signs, don’t cry to me.
So, I’ve been waging this war against an unnamed retiree who has a propensity for piling his candidate's yard signs on a little square piece of city property that sits down the street from Cobra-La. Now, as mentioned previously, this pisses me off to a huge degree regardless of the candidate. It’s not right to put your shit on city property unless the entire town wants it there, right? Well, that asshole doesn't seem to get this no matter how many times I take the damned signs down. So anyway, last night on the way home from work there were not seven signs in this spot, which seriously can't be more than a square yard of grass. So, I pulled over and was getting ready to rip them down and throw them in the trunk with all of the other signs (I was planning on returning them to the respective campaign offices last night). But at that point, why bother, you know? The guy's gonna get up at 7AM and put more up, so I decided to give him a little bit of a hand and deposited all of the signs in my trunk to the seven already there. When I was finished it looked so ridiculous. There were like 19 signs sticking out of this little patch of grass. It looked like some mental defective was loose on the campaign trail. I mean one more than there usually is.
So I'll probably be back later (I know I've been slacking a bit here, but I got work to do and emails to write and plenty of other stuff going on, but to tide you over here's some Mississippi John Hurt. I kind of look at Hurt as the sweet old uncle in the world of the blues to Lightning Hopkins' abusive father and John Lee Hooker's grifter cousin. Hurt lived most of his life in complete obscurity until the early 50s, when he was "rediscovered" and suddenly treated like a legend after spending a lifetime in his hometown of Avalon, MS working menial jobs. He always seemed to be enjoying himself with a guitar, and he had the most laid back, genteel delivery of all time. The guy is always a pleasure to listen to, especially when you're having a stressed out day and just don't feel like putting up with bullshit. But if you haven't voted yet, here's a Jesus Lizard tune to get you all riled up. No, this is not the previously mentioned Jesus Lizard post. I will be very drunk and angry for that one.
"Slidin' Delta" - Mississippi John Hurt "Avalon Blues" - Mississippi John Hurt But the Mississippi John Hurt Memorial Anthology here.The Art of Self Defense - The Jesus Lizard Buy Liar here.
Okay, more to come later when I'm freaking out. and seriously go fucking vote. I know how easy it is to not care and sit around criticizing the process (oh, how I know), but it takes five minutes. Don't be an asshole.
PS I saw this sign this morning. I think they were waiting to release these suckers, because it's the first time I've seen them. It should be pointed out that Sestak is born and raised in this county, but left for Virginia when he became a Vice Admiral in the Navy. They just cracked me up, because I didn't think people used the term "carpetbagger" since the reconstruction. Apparently it has, it's just never worked.
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