The Primary Elections are today in PA. I get a lot of shit for mentioning this to my friends but seriously this is the day when everyone should be out voting, because this is when your vote actually counts. Of course, I don't get to vote today, but that doesn't give you an excuse. My morning went as such:
Polling Lady: Hello
Me: Hi, (last name)
Polling Lady: okay... now is that...
Me: (last name)
Polling Lady: hmm. can you...?
Me: (last name)
Polling Lady: Okay...here we are. oh. (she turns to hippie ponytail polling man next to her). GR?
Me: Ma'am, I'm registered with the green party. I know I don't get to vote for any candidates today, but I was wondering if there are any ballot questions r referendums I get to weigh in on.
Hippie Ponytail Man: You don't get to vote
Me: I understand that, but I was wondering if there were...
Polling Lady: You don't get to vote.
Me: Thank you both for explaining that to me. Are there any ballot questions today? (Hippie Ponytail man glares at me)
Hippie Ponytail Man: No. You don't get to vote on anything today.
(at this point I'm confused. Figured HPM would down with a member of the Green party, since those are the only assholes that ever are. he is not. So I shuffle back towards the exit of the polling place, literally waiting waiting in the doorway for a minute).
Second Polling Lady: SIR, ARE YOU VOTING?
Me: No, I'm not allowed to. I'm waiting for someone.
Second Polling Lady: YOU NEED TO GET OUT.
Second Polling Lady: YOU NEED TO LEAVE, SIR.
so yeah, I had a real fun time with that this morning. I have no qualms about my political party, but it's both a source of great frustration and pride. Anyways, I hope anyone in PA gets off to the ballots today, it takes 5 minutes and you can put in the word for Rick "man-on-dog" Santorum.
In other, totally more badass news, Home Movies Season 4 comes out today. It might be the funniest season of a TV show ever made* Seriously, this show has the most hilarious dialogue and moments of awesome comedy that it should be mandatory viewing here at HDF.
So here's some of the music from that show. It's goofy, but it will stick in your head and possible make you laugh giddily. Here are the most succinct telling of Franz Kafka's "Metamorphosis" ever told in Rock Opera form. Also, a medley form the musical "Bye Bye Greasy", both of which will probably seem kinda dumb if you're not already a fan of the show. But then this should be a sign more than anything that all the cool kids love that show and so should you. There's also a bunch of more dowloads at the wite of the show's creator www.brendonsmall.com.
Kafka Musical, pt. 1 - Home Movies (YSI Link)
Kafka Musical, pt. 2 - Home Movies (YSI Link)
Kafka Musical, pt. 3 - Home Movies (YSI Link)
Bye Bye Greasy Musical Medley - Home Movies (YSI Link)
Buy all of the Home Movies sets
*Apologies to Seasons 2-4 of Mr. Show, Season 3 of Newsradio, Season 1 of Sealab 2021, Seasons1-3 of Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Seasons 3-10 of The Simpsons, and any upcoming seasons of The Boondocks
oh, and here's the most terrifying article you could read today. I'm buying this book as soon as I pick up the Home Movies set.
here's an mp3 of the author talking (linked from the above link)
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