Is there any food that, even upon first smelling, immediately makes you think of being a kid? I'm sure there's a bunch of them, because I have at least a dozen. There's a couple of things my parents make that always set me off, but sadly it's more pre-manufactured food that always gets to me more. Probably because my parents' cooking (like mine) can be all over the place, depending on the mood we're in when making it. Anyways, I had to cook a lot for myself growing up, and since I never wanted to make anything, I'd choose the easiest, thought-free meals possible. I'm sure I'm a marketer's wet dream, because I can tell the difference between 3 different brands of macaroni and cheese just by smelling them. I can list 8 years' worth of prizes from up to 9 cereals. and of course, I can actually stomach microwaveable meat.
It's disgusting, I know, and I pretty much always regret it like 10 minutes later, but such is the way of the latchkey kid. I used to eat White Castle microwaveable cheeseburgers by the shovelful. I just saw them in the grocery store while I was trying to figure out what I wanted for lunch, and thought "what the hell". So I bought them, and after I got back to the office I was heating them up and the smell alone brought me back to my parents' old kitchen. It was magic. It's been proven that the olfactory senses are the most closely tied to memory, and I find myself agreeing with that over and over again. What I wasn't counting on, though, is how bad those fucking burgers could actually taste. I've seen dogs cough up tastier stuff. ugh. So I decided this weekend I'm gonna reevaluate all of my favorite foods as a chile and see what I can still stomach. I'll post the results on monday, it should be pretty interesting. In the meantime, what are some of these for you?
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