So, I'm closing up shop on my other bloggy thing and moving my shit over here. If you've read any of the old one, prepare for me repeating myself and possibly posting repeat songs. If you haven't, then I'm hella curious as to how you found this page, but welcome nonetheless. I'm already pretty late with my day, but I figured I'd post a song or two just real quick so you can FEEL THE BURN of how much more into this I'm gonna get. More later.

Anyways, Jolie Holland is getting a lot of good press lately, all of it well deserved. There's so many ways to try and classify her music, though I'm gonna be an ass and just use "Old timey". She was in the Be Good Tanyas for awhile, though she left before their first full length was released. She did co-write my favorite song of theirs, though, which I've also thrown on here as well. Anyways, she's like a dustier (I mean this in a good way, though I can't imagine it sounding that way) Gillian Welch or the like. I'm still working on the whole figuring out how/where to host these, so it's still YSI links for now, let me know if you have a cheap and easy solution to this.
Anyways, here's:
"Damn Shame" - Jolie Holland (YSI link)
"The Littlest Birds" - The Be Good Tanyas (YSI link)
Buy her new album, Springtime Can Kill You
Buy the Be Good Tanyas' Blue Horse EP
I realize there are a bit erm... wussier than my normal posts, but I'm in something of a quiet mood today, so suck it up and wait until I'm angry enough tomorrow to post something that'll rattle.
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