The weekend's finally over and I'm back at my desk, trying to work on some stuff I really don't feel like looking at. at all. regardless, I'm psyched because I just found out that they sell aero bars at the acme up the street from my house. Which means no more having to order them in bulk fom Candy Direct. If you've never had one, it's a Nestle bar that tastes about 100 times better than anything they sell in the States, which can be said for lots of Canadian candy. So yeah, that's effing awesome. Now all we need is a resurgence of the greatest sport ever conceived and we'll have a damned aero renaissance on our hands.
In old news, everyone's still talking about how Obama might run for the president in '08. Stop. Seriously, he won't have a chance in hell if he runs this early in his career and he needs a lot more experience in the senate. I know everyone wants to get a frontrunner that isn't Hillary, but you're just fucking it up for this man. Not great news on the tails that Gore doesn't seem to be running, but seriously, this pales in comparison to the coming apocalypse that would be known as Governor Nuge.
I'm assuming everyone's heard about the Haditha massacre allegations by now. I don't wanna go on about this (I owe a dollar to whoever just mumbled "too late" to themselves), but this just made our "war" a hall of a lot longer. Thanks to these sadistic fucks (who will probably get the Calley punishment, we've just pissed off that many more people and convinced them that we truly are a barbaric nation of hate. Thanks, assbags. Even worse (though it sound forgiving, one has to remember the incredible amounts of stress and duress these men are under -this isn't a justification, these men should be shot- but men snap under lesser conditions) is that it's pretty much accepted that this was covered up from every possible angle. It's just miserable. okay, enough depressing stuff for now.
The songs today are both pretty mellow and probably carry the "Singer/Songwriter" tag, though I generally tend to hate things that fall under that umbrella. apologies to John Darnielle. From what I can tell, the Long Winters started as primarily John Roderick and some pals that are in other bands, but they've grown more into a group for this EP. This song is incredible, and you should totally hop on over the their website to download some more free stuff.
"Ultimatum" - The Long Winters (YSI link)
buy the Ultimatum EP here
There isn't much you're gonna learn about Cat Power from me. I love her stuff, but I tend to tire of it pretty quickly (exceptions being Moon Pix and her most recent album The Greatest). I was making a long-ass mix for a dear friend of mine, though, and this song fir nicely in between two others. So much so that it became my favorite song on said mix. so here that song is. I'm pretty sure it's live, and I probably got it off some other blog months ago but don't remember where. I have no idea what album it's on, but I can't find it anywhere, so buy her new great album, The Greatest. see what I did there?
"Leopard and the Lamb"(Live) - Cat Power (YSI link)
buy The Greatest here
EDIT: I just found out this song was actually cut from You Are Free, which is a shame since I like this song better than most of that album. Buy it here. Also, I found this on the stellar blog Said the Gramaphone. I'm an ass.
oh, by the way, tim and eric are comedy geniuses. They were just on The Sound of Young America, which everyone should be listening to anyway.
It's freakin' link central around here.
1 comment:
I'm like two weeks late at this point, but thanks for the plug. Jesse
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