So, it was somewhere halfway through the Ratt Behind the Music (I wish I was kidding) last night that I cam to the conclusion that TV is pretty much dead to me for the rest of the summer outside of sunday nights. This is fine by me, but I forgot how much extra time people seem to have in the summertime, and I figured it's a good a time as any to impose some resolutions on my ass. Sure, I could've done this for the new year, but damnit that's stupid. Nobody wants to change themselves in the middle of winter, regardless of what some 16th century Italian doctor says about it. It's a chance of season NOW, and I've got more time and daylight on my hands, so this is where I'm making my stand. Anyways, my summer reolutions 2006:
1: Drink more water
This is something I've been meaning to do for awhile, and it's more because I like the idea of it than anything else. I pretty much stopped drinking soda awhile ago, and while I can drink Vitamin Water forever, that shit gets expensive. Also, the whole hangover thing is a lot easier to cope with.
2: Exercise more
Since I refuse to change my diet (which consists almost entirely of cereal, Mexican, Chinese, and pizza), this is my way of countering that. I started some crappy daily regimen about 6 months ago and it's helping, but I'm seriously considering going running for a couple of miles each morning before work. Mainly because it would probably help with the insomnia and sluggish mornings, but also because I don't think I have that sort of discipline in me.
3: write more
This is always a resolution of mine, but with 3 separate projects in the works and 2 seperate friends riding my ass to get them done, I have more motivation than ever.
4: Read more
this sort of counteracts #3, but I've been reading a lot lately, and for the first time I feel like it's not really hindering my writing. This is big and could turn into something.
5: spend at least one lunch a week outside.
This one is gonna be tricky, since this blog is run enirely from my lunch breaks, but I think i've been a bit gung ho about this lately anyway. Maybe I can convince homeboy to write this on wednesdays or something.
6: Use more terms like "Gangbusters"
you know, the stuff that makes zero sense. like "cat's pajamas" or "on the trolley"
I brought yogurt to work with me today for lunch, and I was actually sort of excited for it -I eat yogurt like once a year for some reason- and of course the spoon I have here doesn't fit in the mouth of the canister. damnit.
I just recently discovered this band and they've been kicking my ass. It seems like their albums are pretty hard to find, but if you can find this one at all I'm telling you it's worth it. Also, it's apt for my post today.
"Resolution (Resolution)" - White Hassle (YSI link)
buy Death of Song here
Nirvana is one of those bands that I totally underappreciate (for me to underappreciate any left is strange), but tends to click a lot when other people play their songs. This just adds something (about a minute) to the original that I never caught. I was doing dishes the other day when it totally caught up with me. Probably the female backing vocals. Anyway, this is live. I haven't heard their most recent album, but people seem to be going gangbusters (+1) over it, so I'm sure it's good.
"On a Plain" - Rogue Wave (YSI link)
Buy Descended Like Vultures here
Special Ed. I shouldn't have to back this up, but it seems like his debut album might've gone out of print, so who knows. Regardless, this was recorded when he was 16. I wanted to put up "Taxing", but that file's gone screwy on me, so you'll have to make due.
"Hoedown" - Special Ed (YSI link)
buy Youngest In Charge here
If you're wondering about the Herculoids up top, Alex Toth died over the weekend. The man was a pioneer in his medium and created the Herculoids and Space Ghost as well as working on countless comic books and other animated TV shows. Thanks, bud.