What a boring day. I mean it. Today was one of those days that is almost painless with boredom until the end, when you realize that you've got to get up tomorrow and do the whole shit again. Which isn't to say that every day is boring, but that I'm stuck in a particularly boring job at work, and the less I look at photos of orthopaedic surgery for the next 4 years, the better off I'll be. I could've started a tire fire out of boredom at the office today. But I digress.
At th Eagles' game the other night, like every home game, they play that classic scene from Rocky II where she tells him to win and Burgess Meredith, gets up and says "Well what are we waitin for?" and then, as you can imagine, everyone in the stands goes fucking crazy. It's the easiest thing in the world to do to a Philadelphia sports crowd and it even keeps them riled up for the first 8 minutes or so. Heartwarming, yes, but not what I wanted to talk about.
I haven't seen it in years, but I forgot how Meredith looks in that movie. He's scruffy, his hearing aids are clearly visible the entire time, and one might even be able to see his ear hair. You can see the his hat fraying, and the dinge on his glasses. I know that in describing it how gross that sounds and it sort of did, but it looked so fucking real. I can't remember the last time I saw someone in anything outside of a documentary that didn't look like they just got done up like a friggin' pig at the county fair. and seeing it on a jumbotron just made it that much more alarming. What happened to normal people appearing in movie and films? Are we that superficial that we can't construct an imaginary world that isn't inhabited solely by people that look like they're in a movie? I don't know.
I'm sure this wasn't the idea, that they didn't want him that dingy, but it's not. All sorts of movies from the mid '70s to the early '80s are filled with people like that, that you would pass on the street without a second thought, but up there, on the same screen you see these gorgeous people. I guess it's a good way to tell if you're in a movie or not.
Tap Tap has been kicking my ass lately. Good luck keeping that first song out of your head. They're British and indie-rock sounding, but more like the M's to me than the Arcade Fire. For what that's worth.
"100,000 Thoughts" - Tap Tap
"To Our Continuing Friendship" - Tap Tap
Lanzafame is sold out, but keep an eye for it here.
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