Yes, I am alive and well. I scraped through the holidays and my time of with a sloth-like intensity. Seriously, I got a lot of reading done, got to cook my meals, I haven't picked up a newspaper in 2 weeks... it's been nice. Which isn't to say I'm sorry I haven't been posting. I really meant to keep a pretty steady log of this time, but it would have tended to read off like I was spending my days reading Gustav Gilbert's Nuremberg Diary and researching Miller Huggins, the manager of the 1927 Yankees. Which I was doing for some reason. I also had lots of late nights and beery exhaustion.
and being stuck in a house all last weekend with 5 young kids. As the youngest of 5 kids, I know that I should be able to appreciate the situation. After all, I was a smaller pain in the ass once than I am now? Wasn't I reared in some similar fashion? Maybe, but these kids are all a lot closer in age than we were, and they were cousins who live far apart, so there's a lot more noise involved. and we can't forget that I grew up with at least half of the people that are raising these kids. So yeah it got a little frustrating. But I am back, and have a renewed vigor. Well, replace "renewed" with "present" and "vigor" with "interest in".
Sorry again for the absence, and to make that up to you, Mr. Bob Odenkirk. I can't say that these are the best of his comedy that I've heard, but he's still Bob fucking Odenkirk. Respect.
"The Happiest place on Earth" - Bob Odenkirk
"How's Your Late-Night TV Show?" - Bob Odenkirk
Buy The Un & Only here.
I don't know what I could say about Born Ruffians, other than they're a lot of fun and the singer's voice might drive you crazy either in a good way or a bad way. I like it good enough. Think of Hot Chip crossed with the Joggers or something.
"This Sentence Will Ruin/Save Your Life" - Born Ruffians
"7th Son" - Born Ruffians
Buy Born Ruffians here 4 cheep!
Anyways, Happy New Year and all that great stuff. I 'll be back regular now, only in the evening due to resolution fulfilment. Cheers.
You think that anyone wants any of your mess in the evening? This is a poor excuse for a worktime distraction at that.
how's your tv show & this sentence will ruin your life, save your life pretty much made my morning 110% livable.
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