I woke up on friday morning feeling like a frog died in my mouth while I was sleeping. I haven't really righted myself since. Didn't do anything but read & sleep until Sat. night, when we saw Children of Men, which fucking shocked me how much I liked it. I think Clive Owen has actually impressed me more and more with every movie I've seen him in.
Last night I took my nephew to the Eagles game. He got to see at least three people get arrested and one person get the shit beaten out of him. I think I was more jarred by this than he was. Anyway, while we were driving to the stadium we talked for awhile about driving.
"What's pumping gas like?" he said, looking at me with four Starburst in his mouth. I had to think a minute before answering. I don't think I can even remember not knowing how to pump gas. Like all of those other rites of age that seem so grown up at first and now just occupy the minutiae of my life. Think I do when I'm thinking about the important stuff. You know, like shaving or smoking.
"You've never pumped gas?" I knew he hadn't ever been allowed within twenty feet of a gas pump without supervision. I wasn't sure if he knew what gas smelled like*.
"No, my dad won't let me". He sounded disapointed.
"Well, don't worry about it. Hang around your great grandmother some more and she'll have you sick of it in a week." This is no joke. I pumped her gas from when I was like nine until her next grandchild was old enough to take over.
"Yeah, when I was a little bit older than you. But don't think your parents are gonna let you get in the car with her. The pump's safer". Shit, teaching him to smoke next to the pump is safer.
Not the best story, I know. Anyway, the fucking killer bees are back. And they're headed for New Orleans. Seriously, how bad does that suck? What they need next is an old fashioned blizzard.
-Terry Jones wrote an article for the Guardian. Glib, but amusing. Don't bother reading the comments.
-The most interesting thing I've ever read in the New York Post. Fascinating!
For anyone wondering, I took the picture above on Saturday night. I know it's a little blurred, but it's cherry blossoms. In January. This is seriously wrong. I like to think that in twenty years we're all gonnaget a good laugh out of our president saying that global warming doesn't exist. We'll laugh at how cute it was that he had his own scientists do these little tests and hold up a beaker in front of him and tell him that global warming doesn't exist... but no, that's probably not the case. Because I can only hope by then that we're all going to be fucking pissed. I should point out that I still haven't seen An Inconvenient Truth, and probably won't for awhile. Because I'm already depressed enough thinking about it, thanks. 2007 isn't gonna do much to help that, either. Great. I though last July sucked.
Anyway, I on't know how this Langhorne Slim EP slipped past me. I thought I was checking up on his stuff pretty regularly. I was a little cocerned about his signing to V2 (for no reason at all; i mean he's kind of a hard artist to change) but if this is any indication of what his upcoming album's gonna sound like, than I am so in. Brian Deck recorded it, and I'm seriously hoping he's doing the album as well, but I'll take what I can get. I was going to put up 2 songs, but that's half the EP. So I'm just gonna put one up and you'll get an old Silver Jews track as change. Anyway, "Honey Pie" is the rocker of the bunch, the others being slower and a lot more melodic. I was trying to search this for my last post about him, but my search window appears to be gone. I am starting to hate this site. Not this one, in particular, but the whole format because A) things keep changing once I get used to them and B)I'm an idiot. Anyways, I raved about Mr. Slim awhile ago. I dig his stuff and you should too. Go see him live if you get a chance, he impressed the hell out of me.
Maybe I'll post "Restless" when his album comes out or something though, because that song has been repeating throughout Cobra-La pretty much constantly for the past few days.
"Honey Pie" - Langhorne Slim
Buy the Engine EP here
"Tennesee" - Silver Jews
Buy the Tennesee EP here for way more than you should.
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