Apologies for the disappearance. Since the last post I've been entertaining out of town guests and working my ass off. So there's that. I haven't even had much time to dck around on the internet, so I can't say I'm the most well informed of people at the moment. I can tell you a few things though:
-If you have a myspace page, for the love of god go here and tell them you want to see more Home Movies episodes. I broke a self-imposed exile from there just to do that. If you don't buy into that, go here and follow the instructions. Home Movies is one of my favorite TV shows ever, as evidenced here before, and I would throw up on a gravitron just to see some new episodes.
-Speaing of Myspace, I listened to a Bill Moyers lecture yesterday in which he referred to that site about 20 times in a row. You know how you can tell that something is no longer cool? When Bill Moyers is talking about it. Abandon ship. The good news, though, is that he's getting back on the teevee. I know that the tide of public sentiment has already begun to swing back towards the center, but Moyers is on about media ownership (hence the myspace) and corporate interests dominating the news. It's good to see him going back to journalism and not fake-running for president. Welcome back. Now make like Spider Jerusalem and speak the truth.
-Pitt beat UConn last night, giving me an immense amount of pleasure. It wasn't a particularly tough game or anything, I've just had beef with UConn since the days of Rip Hamilton and goddamned Khalid El-Amin, when my team missed beating the top-ranked team in the nation because of a shitty inbound pass. So yeah, I'm pleased as punch about that.
-Watch the State of the Union address next tuesday. Being the rhetoric nerd that I am, I tape this every year for study, but this one should be particlarly interesting since the new congress got there and Bush pretty much just gave them a big "fuck you". I told some people that the Dems should dip their middle fingers in blue ink just to be assholes. That, or start a slow, sarcastic clap at the end. Of course, Bush would think it was the end of Lucas and looking around for Cappy with his letter jacket*. In any case, it's gonna be worth watching.
-Dude from Smoke Signals is on SVU! I really liked him in that movie and hadn't seen him since. I was worried he'd be typecast in Sherman Alexie stories for the rest of his life. Which isn't a bad thing because he's a damned great writer, but I like the variety. Good for him.
-and on the very same SVU Kumar was a serial rapist. Curious turn of events.
The Bigger Lovers were a group from Philly that broke up a year or two ago. They run a bit poppier than my tastes, but they were capable of rocking me the fuck out at times. Their first (and in my opinion, best) album went through three or four labels and a lot of shit to be put out, so I'm posting all songs from that album today. In a sidenote, I replaced one of these guys in a job once. My demo tapes are available in the lobby.
"Catch & Release" - The Bigger Lovers
"Threadbare" - The Bigger Lovers
"Out of Site" - The Bigger Lovers
Buy How I Learned to Stop Worrying here
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