Was just thinking for a minute about orange juice (the citrus extract, not the band) and how much of a sham that shit is. I was thinking to myself that they raised their prices when they started putting preservatives in it however many years back. and then, not long ago, they started charging us even more for taking them out again... it wasn't very well thought out. and upon further review I appear to be wrong on some of that. oh well.
In other news, the Philly newspapers are crumbling to pieces, the phone company will build a death star and check out John Edwards! I don't even know how universal health care is gonna play out, but that's moxie right there.
I don't know what to tell you about Young and Sexy other than they're Canadian, feature boy/girl vocals and their name has set off my spam filter twice at work. It kinda brings a wuss-rock feel to it, but it's nice late at night with a cup of tea. at least for me. Stop mocking my teeth.
I just found out I'm taking my nephew to the Eagles game this weekend, and it's going to be nuts.
"Your Enemy's Asleep" - Young and Sexy
"The Night Wears a Sombrero" - Young and Sexy
Buy Panic When You Find It here
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