Also, my apologies to anyone that has called me in the past few days and hasn't gotten a response. Since I get no reception in my house that means I have to talk outside. and since it's been raining for the last several days straight, well, you see where I'm going...

that said, the State of the Union is tonight, and I'm wondering how much $$$ I can get for the Chinese Babies I'm going to say I adopted last year. Also, I'm a veteran that works out of the home and I adopted my aircraft carrier to charity.
I'm thinking of not posting the Economist anymore, since at last check nobody cares. Let me know if that's not the case, because I don't really check those numbers often. If I did, I probably would've given up on this months ago.
just a note, I'm not posting 3 times a day now, but I am gonna make a bit more of a differentiation in my topics, so you don't have to read my bitching about politics in the same post as my bitching about the plausibility of outer space movies. So from now on I'll try to keep my bitching separate by subcategories. Because I wrote all this crap in one sitting and am pretty confused by it.
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