I'm in one room trying to quietly grab my lunch from out the fridge when I overhear 2 of the people I'm on a holiday party planning committee (that I clearly did not volunteer for) with. I overhear them talking about the party:
co-worker 1: We should call Cotton in here so he can get caught up
so of course I pick up me pace and start ti tiptoe out of the kitchenette with my salad.
co-worker 2: Cotton, can you come here a second?
my brain: goddamnit!
me: um, okay. I'm just getting ready to eat my lunch though.
co-worker 1: okay, we'll be quick then. We were going over the budget, and-
my brain: awwwwwww. there's no fucking way this will be quick. just run out of the room. quick! ABORT! ABORT!
co-worker 2: Since we're paying so much for a band we were thinking you could break the contract with them that we all agreed to
me: I'm not sure if we should do that, for the obvious reasons.
my brain: this will so result in my getting drunk tonight.

Go watch the pilot here. It's funny, I swear. or clips here.
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia starts up again nect week, too. So I'm gonna be writing a lot of TV stuff. and laughing. and probably feeling a little homesick.
on a good note, it's cooled down here considerably. Now all I gotta do is wait and laugh at you jerks during the Winter.
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