"It's time that normal Joe Six-pack American is finally represented in the position of vice presidency," the Republican vice presidential candidate told radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt.
Wait a second. Wasn't one of the major draws of the idiot we've had in there for the past 8 years that he's "the kinda guy you'd wanna have a beer with?" I mean, wasn't that considered to be a factor that got him elected over that ol' stuffed shirt, John Kerry? Who the hell is this appealing to? Do voters have that short a memory? or are people actually insistent that our Vice President be a Jo Six-pack? It must be that awful liberal media.Palin said if she and John McCain win, they will "put government back on the side of the people of Joe Six-pack like me."
And what's with all the beer references? Are these veiled nods to the liquor lobby? Subtle jabs at those highfalutin', arugula-eating non-drinkers? Or do Americans on average vote with their bloated, barely functioning livers as stupid comments like this would have you believe? I don't know. But if the debate tonight opens with her and Biden shotgunning beers, things won't look good.
Speaking of the debate, I'm not sure what exactly is going to happen. I know that all Palin has to do is not give any of those rambling, incoherent teen beauty pageant answers that escaped her mouth in that Katie Couric interview. And all Biden really needs to do is not appear condescending or outright ask her if she's completely retarded. In either case, I'm willing to bet that it draws more viewers than the Presidential debate. Neither side should be predicting a bloodbath. I mean, they're both gonna say they won, anyway.
and in the end, at least there's gonna be a two-part Always Sunny in Philadelphia on afterwards to wash the awful taste out of your mouth.
oh, and while I'm somewhat afraid of whose vote Roger Ebert influences, he did bring up the whole common-etiquette-of-interpersonal-communications thing here. Weren't you always taught to look people in the eyes? My parents used to always question me on someone's eye color as soon as I shook hands with them to make sure I did. Apparently, McCain still isn't up to courtesy as of yesterday:
The political tension was clear as Senator Barack Obama walked to the Republican side of the aisle to greet Senator John McCain, who offered a chilly look and a brief return handshake.-In other news, the New York Sun is dead. and while I hardly want to celebrate the demise of another American newspaper, I can't say I'll miss it.
-and lastly, Dusty Foggo, who was the third-highest ranking member of the CIA, was found guilty of fraud. Are you kidding me? When it's someone at the CIA, shouldn't it just be considered treason? Why is this guy getting a mac of 3 years in jail when he compromises one of the most important intelligence positions in our government? Attention future inmates of Kyle "Dusty" Foggo: see if you can rig it up to waterboard the shit out of this guy in prison. My prediction, sadly, is that he'll be out in 20 months and have a high paying job soon after. sigh.
But if the debate tonight opens with her and Biden shotgunning beers, things won't look good.
You would think that at the ripe age of 30, that the notion of shotgunning beers would no longer be funny to me. But I dare say I find the idea FUNNIER than I did a decade ago.
Also, I'm pretty sure I couldn't shotgun a beer these days if I wanted to.
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