When I was 13, the Philadelphia 76ers changed their uniforms and logo. It was bad enough that they were changing the uniform, which had been the same for all of my life and to me was pretty iconic. The logo, which will always be among my favorites in sports history, was wiped and the uniforms replaced with what can only be surprised as the ugliest uniform EVER. Seriously:

Anyway, since that season, we flirted once with going back to classic-looking uniforms (remember the Weatherspoon years? Or a pre-cornrows Iverson?), but for the most part have punished our players and fans with some hysterically ugly uniforms and logos. Well, the dark days are over! I personally think that all of our teams should revert back to their late-70s, early 80s uniforms. Maroon and powder blue for the Phils! Kelly green for the Eagles! Orange and black for the...nevermind*.
Anyway, it's a happy day for me, because I've always hated the current uniforms. It isn't that I want to deny the Iverson years, but I can certainly forget the current uniforms. Who goes from red, white and blue to red, black and blue, anyway? Man, I'm surprised more people didn't freak out about that.
Well, that time is over, and I'm happy to see that our boys will look like basketball players again. I personally would've preferred the old Wilt-era PHILA jerseys (not the ones with the red band around the waist), but I'll take these with a smile.
*in their defense, the Flyers have stood by their classic logo and uniforms with little variation (these abominable concept jerseys notwithstanding). Hockey teams tend to have the best logos to me, and the Flyers have always had one of the best. Good for them.
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