Listen, I like Obama. and I think he means the best. But, with luck, he'll be able to tackle half of that in his first term. If he's really lucky, he'll be able to undo half of the truly scary shit that Bush did in his 8 years. The odds of Obama running 2 terms are ridiculously low. and she knows that. Do you think Obama will Get every American covered in healthcare? Do you think he'll end either war? SPOILER: He won't. He won't come close. She knows this, and so should you.
Which isn't to say there's no difference between him and McCain. Nor is this to say that Hillary could, either. Frankly, there isn't a person in the world that we could elect as our next president that will do either of these. And Hillary knows this. She also knows that in four years we'll still be yearning for these things. So she brings them up. After all, Youtube will still be around in four years. Obama's speech at the last DNC is what got him here, why can't it work the other way?
I don't blame her, mind you. I mean, she's angling for the next election. This is what politicians do. With the amount of speculation up about what her supporters will do, she needs to rally them behind the Democratic party. But she also needs to keep them in her pocket. Hence, this speech.
There's a reason she's still giving stump speeches, because she's still on the stump. Or at least a stump. I feel like this should be a new day. I feel like this should be the brightest moment in American politics in a long time. But as I watch AT&T thanking the Dems that immunized them from prosecution, as I watch the Captain Morgain chillout tent (sponsoring both conventions), I feel just as disheartened as I did earlier. I want real change in this country. I don't want some shitty neoliberal agenda just like I don't want some shitty neocon agenda.
So in the end, I can only swallow my bitter pill and hope, truly hope, that in the end, this is a beginning of change. I can only hope that the rest of this country won't give up on politics when this great experiment doesn't work in the first four years. So hope with me. Pray with me. Maybe this is it. Maybe politics hasn't gotten smart enough to fool everyone, but the idealists are finally in power. Because honestly, what else are you gonna do?
In the end, nothing. Vote for who you want and hope it works out in the end. Maybe that's what's so sad to me in the end....
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