Friday, July 13, 2007

In May of 1739, Benjamin Franklin was taking a break from his duties as the writer, editor and publisher of Poor Richard’s Almanack (in addition to author, political theorist, politician, printer, scientist, inventor, civic activist, environmentalist, and diplomat) and thought he could benefit from a “frothy beverage and titillating company”. He soon found himself at a local pub, where he made notes:

‘Tis only natural that my portly trail leads to a neighborhood saloon whilst I am grant’d reprieve from press and quill. Yonder watering hole is ripe with cronies, and grants me the inebriation that grants, along with divine providence, the inspiration I so dearly need. Forsooth, it seems to invigorate my sense of duty, and provides me with sound nourishment. What can be more natural and easy than this? I might instance the like in many other particulars; but this may be sufficient to prevent our being taken for Conjurers. O the wonderful Knowledge to be found in the Stars! Even the smallest Things are written there, if you had but Skill to read. Thus, I shall stay here, and enjoy more ale before returning to thine own chores at hand with what only the Belgian kins referred to as “a buzz on”. Thus, let these beverages be known as liberty beers, and may they resound throughout this great land”.

So there you have it. Benjamin Franklin invented lunch beers. So stop questioning my patriotism already.

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