I took a day off yesterday. I do this maybe once, twice a year. Other day's I've taken off before realizing what was happening were the Oklahoma City bombing, the Columbine shootings, and September 11th. No shit. I didn't have power yesterday, no cable or internet. So I didn't learn about the shootings or anything until the late afternoon. So I was stuck inside with a failing fire and barking at the moon that wasn’t out yet. I watched the rest of the first season of The Wire (I bought it a few weeks ago, and am fucking loving that I held off on finishing it until now). I opened my second beer and sat in the dark and burned every journal I kept between the 1995 and 2002. It was good to see them gone. I'd just found them in a cache and frankly I cringed as I read through them. I remembered writing them and I remembered storing them and rationalizing my keeping them for years. and it was liberating, really.
Anyway, I sat there thinking about what sort of impact this will have on our gun laws, or who will be blamed after the fact. Is 23 too old to blame Marylin Manson's influence on? Does Marilyn Manson still have influence? What if we find out he was a huge Toby Keith fan? What if he watches American Idol and is chaste? None of it will matter, and we'll look to some other impact of his life that must have convinced him that all of those around him needed to die that has nothing to do with the availability of firearms. What will result from this? My guess is that the assault weapons ban will be brought back. Maybe stricter handgun laws in Virginia. I honestly don't see anything further. So another 400 people will get shot to death down the street and we won't even get the option to do something about it because the gun lobby is too powerful to allow anything that threatens them on the ballot. It pretty much sucks, and I'm just sick of it.
The past two days they've had a joint interview with Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn on Democracy Now!. I haven't listened to the first past of it yet, but I've got a good idea what they had to say. I got to thinking who will be able to replace these guys, the old guard of the left. I can think of dozens of people who are as intelligent and spirited as them, but lack the respect and recognition on every level. I was thinking to myself that Greg Palast and Arundhati Roy will be dismissed as a conspiracy theorist and one whose interests lie in the third world. Jello Biafra? I love the guy, but it ain't happenin'. Michael Albert is seen as an unrealistic dreamer. And then I realized that that's what's said about Chomsky and Zinn now. Maybe it will be Russ Feingold, retired and (sadly) unelected. I don't know, something to think about, because we won't be able to take these guys for granted forever. Anyways, enough of that shit. I'm tired of leaving this thing on the down note.
I just bought myself the best T-shirt ever. I just threw out a bunch of my t-shirts because I'm getting to a point where I don't need 300 of them. So I go out and buy more to replace them. Nice.
I think Jennifer Maestre's sculptures are coool. Oh, and Banksy has updated the stuff on his site. Go check it out, because he's fun to read about and he'll write you back if you email him. Or at least he used to I can't tell anymore.
I can't tell you a damned thing about Carry On Kinky Beats other than I got it because it had a Primal Scream song on it that I thought I'd lost (it was on the deleted "Kill All Hippies" single, strangely enough). Anyways, it's pretty much filled with the music that, like the last batch of songs I posted, are the kind of music that in a perfect world would be played in strip clubs. Now to be fair I've spent embarrassingly little time in strip clubs, but still they generally play a lot of shit that isn't really all that sexy. Not that I don't enjoy most rap music, but isn't the allure of a naked lady kind of lost when they're dancing to a song that inherently degrading to women? I don't know, saying empowerment is sexy is a bit cliche for my tastes, but yeah, it totally is.
"Revenge of the Hammond Connection" - Primal Scream
"On a Sunny Day" - Puddu Varano
"Sally's Walk" - The Scammers
I've been trying to post more photos that I've taken with my crappy little phone, but I still can't get this crap to work. It pisses me off immensely.
and your Cell phone might be killing bees. To be honest, I can't even think up an opinion on this, I'm just shocked.
Oh and before I forget, are you on Netflix? Be my netflix pal! I don't know who uses it anymore and I'm too lazy to call y'all to solicit your email addresses so put mine in there. fartingary at comcast dot net. Hopefully I can have some movie talk with y'all and get some more suggestions on what to rent. Because I'm gettin sick of my taste, people.
Anyway, I sat there thinking about what sort of impact this will have on our gun laws, or who will be blamed after the fact. Is 23 too old to blame Marylin Manson's influence on? Does Marilyn Manson still have influence? What if we find out he was a huge Toby Keith fan? What if he watches American Idol and is chaste? None of it will matter, and we'll look to some other impact of his life that must have convinced him that all of those around him needed to die that has nothing to do with the availability of firearms. What will result from this? My guess is that the assault weapons ban will be brought back. Maybe stricter handgun laws in Virginia. I honestly don't see anything further. So another 400 people will get shot to death down the street and we won't even get the option to do something about it because the gun lobby is too powerful to allow anything that threatens them on the ballot. It pretty much sucks, and I'm just sick of it.
The past two days they've had a joint interview with Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn on Democracy Now!. I haven't listened to the first past of it yet, but I've got a good idea what they had to say. I got to thinking who will be able to replace these guys, the old guard of the left. I can think of dozens of people who are as intelligent and spirited as them, but lack the respect and recognition on every level. I was thinking to myself that Greg Palast and Arundhati Roy will be dismissed as a conspiracy theorist and one whose interests lie in the third world. Jello Biafra? I love the guy, but it ain't happenin'. Michael Albert is seen as an unrealistic dreamer. And then I realized that that's what's said about Chomsky and Zinn now. Maybe it will be Russ Feingold, retired and (sadly) unelected. I don't know, something to think about, because we won't be able to take these guys for granted forever. Anyways, enough of that shit. I'm tired of leaving this thing on the down note.
I just bought myself the best T-shirt ever. I just threw out a bunch of my t-shirts because I'm getting to a point where I don't need 300 of them. So I go out and buy more to replace them. Nice.
I think Jennifer Maestre's sculptures are coool. Oh, and Banksy has updated the stuff on his site. Go check it out, because he's fun to read about and he'll write you back if you email him. Or at least he used to I can't tell anymore.
I can't tell you a damned thing about Carry On Kinky Beats other than I got it because it had a Primal Scream song on it that I thought I'd lost (it was on the deleted "Kill All Hippies" single, strangely enough). Anyways, it's pretty much filled with the music that, like the last batch of songs I posted, are the kind of music that in a perfect world would be played in strip clubs. Now to be fair I've spent embarrassingly little time in strip clubs, but still they generally play a lot of shit that isn't really all that sexy. Not that I don't enjoy most rap music, but isn't the allure of a naked lady kind of lost when they're dancing to a song that inherently degrading to women? I don't know, saying empowerment is sexy is a bit cliche for my tastes, but yeah, it totally is.
"Revenge of the Hammond Connection" - Primal Scream
"On a Sunny Day" - Puddu Varano
"Sally's Walk" - The Scammers
Buy Carry On Kinky Beats here? I'll probably post something a little less over the top the next couple of posts, just to be fair. Because I can.
I've been trying to post more photos that I've taken with my crappy little phone, but I still can't get this crap to work. It pisses me off immensely.
and your Cell phone might be killing bees. To be honest, I can't even think up an opinion on this, I'm just shocked.
Oh and before I forget, are you on Netflix? Be my netflix pal! I don't know who uses it anymore and I'm too lazy to call y'all to solicit your email addresses so put mine in there. fartingary at comcast dot net. Hopefully I can have some movie talk with y'all and get some more suggestions on what to rent. Because I'm gettin sick of my taste, people.
1 comment:
Spending too much time in strip clubs is more embarrassing (at least to me). And yes, those songs would be aces.
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