So they found what appears to be the most “earth-like” planet yet. It’s in a pretty distant solar system, but that’s exciting news nonetheless, no? Listening to the radio this morning, they said that it’s much closer to it’s sun, which itself is older and dimmed out in comparison with ours. "The star itself is actually going to look sort of the color of Mars — sort of a red, ruddy color. But it would be much bigger in the sky than we're used to."
I mean, how fucking cool is that? I love the idea if a giant, ruddy sun looming over us. Who wouldn’t? I mean, sure, the potential for extraterrestrial life is pretty cool as well, but I think we’ve always screwed that up. All of the scenarios we’ve become familiar with (or that Hollywood has familiarized us with, anyway) revolve around either A) going to war with a potentially far superior force in a last-ditch effort to save the world as a whole or B) we learn the secrets of sustainability and peaceful civilization from an advanced and benevolent species. Come to think of it, I can't think of many times the latter has been portrayed as happening without dire consequence.
But what if the theoretical inhabitants of this planet weren’t as evolved as a species as much as we are? Or what if they’re really, really stupid? Would we pass on our secrets of prosperity to them? Do you think that this planet as a whole is capable of a charitable act on this scale? Shit, we can’t even do that between countries, how the hell would we as a planet manage to pass anything on to them other than bickering? The more I think about it, the more I convince myself that the whole thing would turn into a bidding war for space slaves. Yikes.
Better yet, what if they were far superior in technologic and sociologic advances, but treated the world’s leaders like the petulant gaggle of idiots that they are? Oooh what if they asked
Too much crap taking up my time lately. Got to split last night between laundry and going to the movies alone. It was much nicer than anticipated. Go see Hot Fuzz.
"You Got the Silver" is probably my second favorite Stones' song on my second favorite Stones' album. In fact, it currently (along with the closing theme song from the Boondocks cartoon) has been my ringtone for the 2 years or so. I love that while it's undeniably a love song, it's also one of exasperation. "You already got the silver and everything else” he seems to be saying, "so why am I still here?" and I've always loved that it was a Keith song. The first one he sang lead for, and while it’s immediate that he can’t really sing for shit, his spirit still holds the song together nicely. And this was always my problem with Jagger, who just seems like an empty red velvet suit to me. He always seemed so contrived. Which I suppose is necessary in any great frontman, but at the same time also explains why being a frontman pretty much means you’re a douche. Anyway, this recording (with Jagger singing it instead of Keith) fell into my lap the other day and I’ve been listening to it pretty steadily since. It might just be the familiarity of his voice singing a song I’ve always known. It might be his pronunciation of the word “Hongray”. But when it comes down to it, it’s the last minute or so of the song that gets me every fucking time.
The second song here “Factory Girl”, has nothing to do with Edie Sedgwick or Andy Warhol. It’s more like a jig than anything else and has Traffic's Rik Grech playing fiddle (extended here) that just really cements it as a great example of
Anyway, that’s it for me today. I got a 6 course meal to look forward to tonight and a bachelor party to attend this weekend, so hopefully I’ll post something tomorrow, too. We’ll see.
"You Got the Silver" (Mick Vocal) - The Rolling Stones"Factory Girl" - The Rolling Stones
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