I've been pretty unreliable for a spell and, as I sat last night trying to tell the story of when I accidentally bought crack when I was 13, I came pretty close just to deleting this whole page. But I'm shitty with the follow through, so I should ride this thing out for at least a little longer for the sake of my own half-serious attempt at self-improvement. So I'm here at least for a little while longer, I just won't care as much.
I don't even know where to start as far as news. There's an explosion of depressing news items that have popped up lately, but the thing that's been under my skin for the past few days is the dick wizard over at Fox news who lambasted Anderson Cooper for covering the Iraq war instead of Anna Nicole Smith's death. He called him a "snob" and said that American sare tired of hearing about the war. Of course we are. It's war. Who the fuck wants to hear about more Americans dying? Nobody! But that doesn't mean we're not obligated to hear about it. We're paying for this fucking war. We will be for a long time. As entertaining as the drugged-out ramblings of a braindead stripper/lingerie model were, I could give a flying rat's ass about the custody battle for her child. It's terrible, the position that this child is now in, but there are kids who are much worse off than having to figure out which pig-fucking retard of a man is your biological dad. As loathe as I am to say it, I'd rather hear Laura Bush give me her take on the war (and seriously, what the hell was that about?) than this shit. It's just depressing, the state we're in. There was a recent poll that showed that most Americans think that under 10,000 Iraqis (not civilians, total) have died since the invasion. And it's snobbish to want to discuss the war? We have enough TV out there to take our mind off the war. and we should. But that's ecxactly what it should be there for, to take our mind off the war. We shouldn't complain because NEWS TELEVISION reminds us of the war. The was should be pretty much ubiquitous in our lives. Hundreds of thousands of people have died because of what we let happen, and continue to let happen. Damn right we should be thinking about that. Whether you're in rabid support or vehement opposition of this war, we should all be at least thinking about it. Because pretending this shit isn't there isn't gonna keep more people from dying. ugh. Enough about that.
There's a pretty great interview with Chomsky here. These are always the best way to take him in, since reading him is all but coma-inducing, and the sound of his voice tends to put me in a trance. This one is actually kinda funny! Come on, asking Noam Chomsky if he's ever been "purple-nurpled" might be the greatest thing ever.
If I'm basing my opinions of '08 Presidential contenders on their picks in movies, than Richardson and Edwards are kicking some ass. and the Onion has pointed out what I've been shouting at action movies for years.
I'm too tired to get into descripion right now, but here's some Pavement b-sides. One's a sloppy, rambling version of what they proibably considered was their best song at least for a couple years, and the other is the most fun I'd thought they'd had in years at the time. and kinda nasty. Since the Brighten the Corners reissue is probably weeks away, I should post this shit now while it's lukewarm!
"Slowly Typed" - Pavement
"I Wanna Mess You Around" - Pavement
But the Shady Lane EP here, or wait a month for the BTC reissue.