I can't speak a word of Greek. I can barely spell most of the Greek foods I like. But this music is really interesting and in some cases heartbreaking. I'm sure I'll sneak some on the next mix I throw together, whenever that might be.

I'm also reading some stuff on the breaking of tradition in the practices of Zoroastrianism. It's... a lot more interesting than it sounds.
Also, Trader Joe's sells scotch here. Someone help me wrap my head around this.
I had no that California had Trader Joes!
Whoops. Insert the word idea after no.
I think it actually started in California. and they sell $46 scotch there. hooray!
have you read "middlesex" - it's right up you ally - a love story about an incestual hemaphroditic greek family - they talk about smoking weed and listening to "outsider" music... ompah indeed
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